Ken Boldt Insurance Agency II, Inc.

2205 Greensburg Rd
Green, OH 44720

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What insurance do I need to carry on my motorcycle in Ohio

Green, OH is located about 12 miles south of Akron and 50 miles south of Cleveland. Ohio has 410,000 registered motorcycles, and with 13 designated scenic country roads, you will never be at a loss for a place to take your motorcycle cruising. But before you take your bike onto the road, you need the insurance required by Ohio law. At Ken Boldt Insurance Agency II Inc. in Green, OH, we make sure that all of our customers always have the right insurance. 

In Ohio, all motorcycle owners are required to carry basic liability insurance before they hit the road. Basic liability means bodily injury of $25,000 with $50,000 for each accident and property damage of $25,000. This is a pretty basic amount of liability insurance, and it is only adequate if you have very little in the way of assets outside of your motorcycle. If you are at fault, the resulting injuries and potential to be sued loom over you in the event of an accident. This is one area where it is good to talk to your agent about the amount that gives you the protection you need. 

Protecting your motorcycle itself requires that you carry additional insurance. Collision is the coverage that protects when you have an at-fault accident. It will pay to have your motorcycle repaired or replaced. If you have a valuable motorcycle, this is coverage that you need. Comprehensive covers things that are beyond your control like storms, flooding, large animals such as deer, vandalism, and theft. Both of these motorcycle insurance types will make sure that you will have a motorcycle to ride no matter what. 

At Ken Boldt Insurance Agency II Inc. in Green, OH, we are independent agents who owe our loyalty to our customers, not to an insurance carrier.  Give us a call or stop into our office for a free quote. 

Our Partners
  • AllState
  • Foremost
  • Frankenmuth
  • Hiscox
  • Liberty
  • National General
  • Nationwide
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • The Hartford
  • Travelers
  • USLI
  • Utica National
  • Westfield