Ken Boldt Insurance Agency II, Inc.

2205 Greensburg Rd
Green, OH 44720

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The Benefits of Commercial Insurance for Employers with Independent Contractors

If you are an employer who hires independent contractors, you may be wondering if commercial insurance is necessary for your business. While the answer to this question can be complex, the short answer is yes. Ken Boldt Insurance Agency II Inc. explains.

Why Is Commercial Insurance Necessary? 

Commercial insurance helps protect employers from numerous risks associated with hiring independent contractors in Green, OH. These policies help cover medical expenses in case of an accident or injury on the job, as well as legal expenses if an employee files a lawsuit against the company.

Additionally, these policies can also provide coverage in cases where an independent contractor fails to complete their contracted work or materials they provided have caused damage or losses to your business. 

What Kinds Of Coverage Do I Need? 

The type of coverage you need will depend on the scope of work performed by your independent contractors. For instance, general liability policies are good for covering any damages incurred by third parties while doing business with you (slips & falls on the premises, etc.)

Worker’s compensation policies provide benefits to employees who sustain an injury at work; this includes both traditional employees and independent contractors. Professional liability policies offer protection from financial loss due to errors in services provided by employees or independent contractors.

Give Us A Call

If you are an employer in Green, OH who hires independent contractors, then it is essential that you obtain adequate commercial insurance coverage. This is to protect yourself from potential liabilities and losses resulting from work-related activities. Contact Ken Boldt Insurance Agency II Inc. today so that we can help you get the right coverage for your business.

Our Partners
  • AllState
  • Foremost
  • Frankenmuth
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  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • The Hartford
  • Travelers
  • USLI
  • Utica National
  • Westfield