Ken Boldt Insurance Agency II, Inc.

2205 Greensburg Rd
Green, OH 44720

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4 Benefits of Condo Insurance

While owning a condo in Green, OH is a significant achievement, it’s vital not to forget about condo insurance. Like it or not, you can find yourself in a complicated situation that only condo insurance can bail you out. Since you share the compound with other people, it isn’t easy knowing who is responsible for what. For this reason, you should purchase condo insurance from Ken Boldt Insurance Agency II Inc. In the process, you will accrue the below benefits. 

Dwelling coverage

While you may be contributing monthly contributions towards your condo owner’s association policy, this covers the exterior of your building only. As for your condo’s interior, you need condo insurance to protect the walls, roof, floor, and other fixtures when destroyed by fire and other threats. 

Liability coverage

If a visitor is injured in the common areas like the swimming pool, lobby, or tennis court, the master policy takes care of the medical expenses. However, if injuries occur inside your condo, you need condo insurance to take care of the medical expenses and possible lawsuits. Besides, condo insurance covers property damage that you or your family members inflict on other people. 

Personal property protection

Theft and vandalism are a constant danger when living in a condo. Besides, water damage can destroy your furniture, electronics, and other assets. Since replacing your assets can be expensive, you need condo insurance to shield you from damage or loss occurring on your belongings. 

Loss of use coverage

If a covered peril destroys your condo, you may need to seek temporal shelter as your condo is being repaired. In the process, you may incur hotel costs and travel expenses. Thankfully, if you have condo insurance, expenses exceeding your everyday spending are covered.

Get condo insurance today!

Are you looking for Condo Insurance in Green, OH? You can trust Boldt Insurance Agency II Inc. for all your condo insurance solutions. Contact us today for a quote. 

Our Partners
  • AllState
  • Foremost
  • Frankenmuth
  • Hiscox
  • Liberty
  • National General
  • Nationwide
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • The Hartford
  • Travelers
  • USLI
  • Utica National
  • Westfield